Posts Tagged ‘bodyweight’

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This is the first workout in a series of 26 – under 10 minute – metabolism booster – workouts. It is body weight based ,so you don’t need any equipment, only yourself. This workout, like many of the workouts I do is done in intervals. Click the link in the workout description below to find out more about intervals timers and for links to online timers. These types of exercises and workouts are very effective to lose weight and sculpt the body. They work! I just turned 49 and find that they are ideal for women in their 40’s, especially as our metabolism starts to slow down. These workouts keep it revved up and our bodies functioning optimally. But really they are great for men and women of any age.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This workout is 20 minutes long but is not as intense and filled with action as many of my workouts. Of course it is still effective! It is geared at targeting your butt and hamstrings, especially with the bridge leg pulses which is a great exercise for shaping that area. There are still burpees and mountain climbers to get your heart rate up and which lead into the other awesome new exercises. This has some classic body and booty shaping exercises. ..and hey, they are classics because they work. Let’s get on this one and shape those legs!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This new burpee workout is a time challenge and has 5 different types of burpees in it. The last 3 types are ones I am doing for the first time. Fun new burpees that are set around ab crunch exercises done with a medicine ball. You can use a different weight, like a dumbbell, water bottle, or just use body weight if you don’t have a medicine ball. There are some really fun exercises in here and I hope you enjoy the workout.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This workout has 5 rounds. 3 of them are cardio (Full Heart) rounds, and they are a mountain climbers/high knees/jumping jacks combo that should take under 2 minutes for each. These are done around the 2 interval parts which are both made up of different exercises, so you won’t get bored! I like to mix up the exercises. both it’s great for the body to use different muscles and also to keep the brain entertained so it’s busy thinking about what to do next and then the time just flies by and before you know it, another workout done!  I hope you enjoy this one. I thought it flowed along well and was a fun one!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes


This 12 minute workout is designed to work on our legs, abs and butt. It is made up of 3 Tabata intervals, each one alternating 2 different exercises. One of the exercises in each directly targets the butt and the other is builds your core strength and ab muscles. Each exercises provides some relief from the other so you get the most reps and the most benefit out of each interval period.  So, get your timer out and ready to blast that butt! || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This 20 minute upper body workout is filled with lots of push ups, a few burpees and some fun new plank exercises. I loved the two variations of plank twist overs. It also has the tiger push up.. a new push up for me that is like a combination of a diamond and a pike push up; it is great for triceps and more challenging than it looks.. look closely and you will see my arms trembling at the end. I think there is a good balance between the different types of exercises to give give some relief from the more challenging ones and make a good flow overall. Get ready to enter the adventurous world of the ..hidden burpee planking tiger.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes


This 15 minute full body workout is made up of intervals with 6 fun and dynamic exercises, which you do 3 times for each. It’s quick and active so put your most into it and you will reap the rewards. These short workouts are super effective! This workout really sneaks in some great core strength building exercises: superman exercises and tuck jumps are a couple great exercises to build abs! ..and I followed this with another 200 reps of ab exercises, which I will also post below.  || Read more