Garden Update


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Our garden is bursting with color and flavor!! ..mostly greens, which we love in our smoothies and salads. That was our intention, and we are greens rich right now! 

We just picked our first little tomatoes yesterday..

first tomatoes

..and I am really happy with the basil. We started these plants, like almost everything in our garden, from seed. Last year our basil didn’t do so well, so this year I moved the place for them out just a couple feet, more into the sunlight.. and what a difference!!

Basil plants
We have so many greens: 3 kinds of kale: a curly leaf, a darker flat leaf and a purple one, 3 kinds of chard: red, green, and rainbow ..the rainbow is so pretty and colorful! ..Lots of lettuce and lots of parsley and spinach too!  & herbs: basil, oregano, chives, mint, rosemary, thyme, tarragon and sage. We’re also growing some other vegetables like beets and broccoli. Oh, beet greens are great in smoothies too! I feel so abundant! Gardens are wonderful.

One of the biggest benefits to a garden other than it providing abundant, fresh, clean and (pretty much) free food, is the grounding. Touching the earth, the plants and walking barefoot.. is so healing. I think it’s a big part of why people enjoy having a garden so much; you hear people say all the time how it’s so therapeutic. I think it’s because of the grounding. It puts you back in touch with the earth, and even deeper, reconnects you with your source.

Try this, if you ever get stressed, or feel anxious over anything: Go outside barefoot and put your feet directly on the earth. You can almost feel the stress leaving your body out of the soles of your feet. It’s an amazing and wonderous thing. Life can be so easy sometimes.



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