Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

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Alternating Toe Touches and Push Through Crunches with Swiss Ball – Lying on ground, lift legs up to 90 degrees with soles of feet facing the ceiling and holding the Swiss ball up between your feet. Reach up towards the left side and touch toes with fingertips, come back and then repeat on the right side, touching toes of the right foot with fingers. Next crunch up and push hands held together through legs. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as you can in the time interval.   || Read more

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Plank on Swiss ball – Get into plank position, balancing on your forearms with feet up on Swiss ball, and hold body up in a straight line in this position for the required time. Pulling in your tummy, helps to strengthen ab muscles.  || Read more

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Ugi Toe Touch exercise – Lay on mat and bring legs up so they are at 90 degrees with soles of feet facing ceiling, hands are overhead holding onto Ugi at ground, crunch up torso and bring Ugi up to touch toes and then lower torso and Ugi back to the ground. This is one rep.
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90 Degree Sandbag Crunches – Lying on mat lift  legs up at a 90 degree angle and bend knees so they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair). Place sandbag on top of shins and while holding up sandbag crunch body up with arms at side of body hands reaching out to touch the sides of the sandbag. Each sandbag touch is one rep. Try to keep legs in 90 degree angles, as much as possible.  || Read more

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Sandbag 3 Pulse Squats – From standing with feet shoulder width apart bring sandbag up and hold at navel area (by doing a clean and flipping onto backs of hands). Then squat down so that thighs come parallel with ground and pulse 3 times, then come up to standing. This is one rep. Continue doing squats and pulsing 3 times for each one while holding sandbag in front of you.   || Read more

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Commando Burpees – Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, then lay down with body on ground so stomach touches floor and then place hands under shoulders and use your arms to lift yourself up and do a knee tuck with one leg, lie flat on the ground again and in the same manner lift yourself up and do a knee tuck with the other leg, lay back down quickly and then lift your torso up with arms, jump legs in and then jump up in the air.  || Read more

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3 Pulse Jumping Surfer Squat and Drop Down – Start standing on the ground or just above the center of a mat, with legs staggered one leg up higher than the other and in a wide leg surfer stance turned a little to the side, squat down and pulse 3 times, then jump switching legs so that the behind one is forward and the forward foot back, squat again and pulse 3 times, then reach over and place hands on the floor and jump down so body is flat on ground, touch the ground with your hands and then jump back up. This is one rep. || Read more