Branching Out: Our Treehouse Experience


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Today we are going treehouse shopping. Our mission is to pick the best treehouse to spend the day in, and weekend too if you like. Or maybe we will never come back! What would make the perfect tree house for you? I think some great features would include: a tropical warm location, swings with long ropes so we can swing really high, a diving board and a deep natural pool underneath lined with plants and pebbles that filter out impurities (no chemicals or UV filters), hammocks, dry compost toilets, fruit trees nearby – a mango tree is optimal! and a nearby natural spring with pure water. We can pipe it in for running spring water if it isn’t already, solar panels to heat the water and keep the treehouse cozy on cool evenings, and to light up our glow lights. A treehouse that rocks a little in the wind, just slightly, nothing scary, would be good. 

We need to bring a guitar, ice, a kite and a warm sweater or hoody in case  it isn’t the normal balmy evening. Vibrams are great for foot protection walking through the awesome nature trails we will be surrounded by.

ok, let’s choose our favorite treehouse!

Treehouse 1


Treehouse 2


Treehouse 3


Treehouse 4


Treehouse 5


Treehouse 6


Treehouse 7


Treehouse 8


Treehouse 9


Treehouse 10


Treehouse 11


Treehouse 12


Treehouse 13


Treehouse 14


Treehouse 15


Treehouse 16


Treehouse 17


Treehouse 18


Treehouse 19


Treehouse 20


Treehouse 21


Treehouse 22


Treehouse 23


Treehouse 24


Treehouse 25


Treehouse 26


Treehouse 27


Have a fun day!

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