Posts Tagged ‘Ugi’

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This 14 minute Ugi workout is an interval training workout made up mostly of ab focused exercises. Using the Ugi ball to balance on when doing ab and other exercises really helps to work the stabilizing secondary muscles. These are the muscles that surround and assist the major muscles and give great support to the body. Working these makes you lean and tight and helps you build a deeper strength so that you are less likely to have injuries. Think about it, if all the little muscles that support the bigger muscles are strong too, it just makes sense that your body will be stronger, and leaner.  || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This workout is a quick 8 minute workout designed to boost your metabolism and get your body burning fat and working optimally. It is great for when you don’t have a lot of time. But this workout, like all of the metabolism booster workouts can be made longer to get more of a workout in by repeating or lengthening the rounds. I put some options below and I did option 1. In this workout a cardio round is alternated with 6 minutes of intervals using the Ugi ball. Ugi is awesome! But if you don’t have one, the exercises can also be done with bodyweight or by substituting another ball or weighted object.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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The Full Ugi is a 15 minute interval workout with 9 exercises all using the Ugi ball. There are some new Ugi exercises, which is always fun and this workout is really focused on abs and core as well as butt and legs, which it really hit more than I realized as I am really feeling it there today! The Ugi makes workouts fun. They are tough but at the same time they have a play quality to them so you tend to forget (sometimes) how tough the exercises are when you are doing them and just get into the challenge.  Ugi is great for working on balance and for working your stabilizing assisting muscles, as well as the main muscles, so you really build core strength with it.  So let’s get to the Full Ugi! || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This Ugi workout is 21 minutes of interval training with lots of new and favorite Ugi exercises and featuring the bridge exercise with 3 variations of it. This is a great workout to really work your hamstrings and upper legs as well as your abs and core stabilizing muscles. Its a great flow and Ugi makes workouts fun.  21 minutes is longer than most of my workouts, but Ugi makes the time goes by fast and it feels easier somehow but I know it’s effective as I can feel it this morning, the day after!  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This time challenge Ugi workout is really core and abs focused. It has 5 rounds and each round has 40 reps of a different Ugi crunch exercise,  as well as a newly designed way to get more burpees in. This innovative burpee strategy worked for me to give them a bit of a new twist.  The accompanying squats provide a little extra leg and butt work and it never hurts to do a little extra work on those! Well, it may hurt a bit the next day, but you’ll look fabulous for it and feel great when you look in the mirror.  Really we know that being fit is most important for our health and the benefits of these short workouts are worth it to feel great on the inside.. but it’s a serious bonus to look great outside too!   || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This metabolism booster workout is 8 minutes and is made up of 2 parts. The first is to do as many reps as you can of the Roll back Ugi Burpee exercise and the second is 5 minutes of intervals with 6 great exercises. This workout is mostly core and abs focused with lots of planks and also has some leg work, with a few lunge exercises mixed in. So grab your Ugi and let’s get your happy endorphins buzzing and your metabolism turned up!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This 12 minute interval training workout goes through 11 Ugi exercises, one is done on both sides, so lots of change ups in this one! You can also set your timer for 24 minutes to get a longer workout in. There are a few new Ugi exercises in this which I am doing for the first time, which is always great. I love to change it up. Doing different exercises keeps the body guessing, which is great for bodybuilding and keeps me entertained!  || Read more