Posts Tagged ‘bodyweight’

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout has 5 parts, which makes it sound long but it isn’t at all. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th parts are all 8 reps of different (fun) types of burpees and the 2nd and 4th parts are both the same set of intervals and go through a sequence of 8 different (and also fun) exercises. It changes up quickly and keeps your mind entertained as the time goes by.  A few exercises in this workout are done using a dip station but I will list alternative exercises for if you don’t have one.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout is 15 minutes of intervals with lots of burpees. It’s 4 different types of burpees intermixed with other legs, butt and abs exercises making this a mainly lower body workout. Jump lunges and squats are a couple of the best exercises I have found for shaping the butt and upper thighs. These bodyweight exercises are amazing and have just about completely erased any signs of cellulite from my upper legs, which is astonishing considering I have had this most of my life, and have tried every cream, lotion, potion and trick I would hear of to try to get rid of it. Go figure that now in my late 40’s I would discover the key with these bodyweight exercises, which seems to make it magically fade away. Awesome. So come burpee with me and get great shaped legs!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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First say Triple Trip 3 times really fast. ; ) It’s a workout that’s as fun as it’s name! This one is 14 minutes and 3 parts, each one has knee raise exercises done on the dip station. The first and third parts are the same and the goal is to do as many rounds of the exercise sequence as possible in 5 minutes. The time goes by really fast when you are racing against it. The second part in between these is a tabata interval round and for each work interval in it you do the same exercise. Your mission is to do the exercises quickly while keeping the best form you can while doing them.

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posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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I got in this quick 12 minute workout on Christmas eve. It can be so much harder getting in a workout after too much over indulging but I find it is best to keep up momentum and plus, I knew that doing a workout, even just 12 minutes, will help burn calories. It’s hard being a chef testing new recipes over the holidays, but actually it’s hard for all of us to be around so much tempting delicious food, and especially foods that are not only delicious but that hold happy memories in them as well. But I am hoping that we can be super conscientious and work our will power. Will power is like our muscles and gets stronger the more you use it. So we all have to find our balance between happy and healthy and work with that. But one thing is for sure.. this workout will give you more energy and strength to make better decisions and help boost your metabolism, so all good! Your inner and outer self will be happy you did it!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout is made up of 2 rounds of intervals that are preceded, separated and followed by rounds of side burpees. The intervals are filled with exercises that are great for the abs and core, especially strengthening the obliques and also the supporting stabilizing muscles which get worked as you hold your balance in the side planks. These exercises create great cat-like sleek lines in the body!  And burpees are great for just about everything! They are a full body exercise working most of the major muscle groups of the body and adding cardio in too.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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I promise you that if you put your best into this workout you will feel it tomorrow. Well, at least I am majorly feeling it today (day after) and can hardly sit. Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself, but really I know why! These workouts will make you feel great and look great. They are great for the emotional health, releasing endorphins that make us happy and they are also great for our physical health, driving oxygen to all the cells throughout the body, building muscle, boosting metabolism and helping the body to function better on many different levels. These workouts are hard but the results are an across the board Win! So, let’s get at shaping a better bottom and increasing our physical and mental health too!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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I really liked this ab workout and finished it in about 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of intervals, which are each done in between rounds of mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are great for working the abdominal muscles and after doing lots of them you will know, as you can feel it. The interval rounds are each 6 minutes and both have the same 4 exercises: 3 plank based exercises and one crunch. I really like all of these exercises and the order of them gives a good amount of diversity to make it move along really well.  I am feeling my abs today (day after) from this and although I have another workout planned, I feel like doing this one again!  || Read more