Archive for the ‘Diet & Lifestyle’ Category

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Saffron is a spice that comes from the small purple saffron crocus. Each flower on the plant has 3 vivid crimson stigmas which are the part used as the spice. Saffron is used in various Indian, Persian and European cuisines, and sometimes Arab and Turkish cuisines as well, as a seasoning and coloring agent.   || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Equipment


Barefoot training is becoming more and more popular with more and more trainers and coaches.  Barefoot running has been gaining in popularity and there are many other sports and activities can be and are done barefoot, including: my favorite, HIIT and also yoga, gymnastics, dance and Tai chi along with many martial arts.   || Read more

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Ayahuasca journeying has had a deep effect on my perceptions and outlook of the world. I went through an ayahuasca period in my life a few years ago and I feel it is a story relevant to tell here as it deeply affected my spiritual health. There are a few times in my life when my perceptions and views on the way things are have been deeply shaken. When these core belief systems that framed my world were torn down I had to acknowledge that all I believed to be true and real in the world were not as I previously thought they were. It’s a surprising realization.   || Read more

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At times people actively following a weight loss or fitness program will hit a plateau. You work hard. You’ve been watching what you eat, and putting in the time and sweat doing the workouts, and then suddenly the numbers stop moving and you stop seeing changes. This can be frustrating and disheartening. There are many reasons why this can happen and this is one of the main reasons I like to change up the workouts I do, to avoid plateaus. Here I have listed lots of great ideas on why and how to change your fitness and weight loss strategy to keep making progress.  || Read more

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Like many of us I have watched my weight, and been interested in weight gain and loss, my whole life. There are so many diets, strategies and concepts out there in this area it is sometimes hard to know what is the best information. I offer what I consider the best tips based on my personal experience with myself and watching and helping many others to lose weight. Number one, you have to want to do it. If you really do and can see a thinner you in your mind, then read on.  || Read more

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Our brains are one of the most fascinating organs in our body! We can improve the health of our brains regardless of our age with healthy eating, exercise and our lifestyle choices. Our brain has an amazing quality to it – its neuroplasticicy, which allows the nerve cells in the brain to change their connections. The brain neurons will change and find new connections to adapt and function after an injury or disease. There are several ways to strengthen and keep your brain healthy. Here is a list for the top 10 keys to a superhero brain!  || Read more

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Angela Stokes, an award winning author and lifestyle consultant, lost over 160 pounds and has kept it off  by living a raw lifestyle. She recovered from being considered morbidly obese at 294 pounds and has kept the weight off long term by eating raw plant foods. She considers this to be a healthy, simple and sustainable solution for losing weight and keeping it off. A solution in which the weight just seems to literally drop off. Angela is a great source of inspiration for many and is a beautiful vision of health and well-being.  || Read more