Archive for the ‘Workouts’ Category

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This workout is a quick 8 minute workout designed to boost your metabolism and get your body burning fat and working optimally. It is great for when you don’t have a lot of time. But this workout, like all of the metabolism booster workouts can be made longer to get more of a workout in by repeating or lengthening the rounds. I put some options below and I did option 1. In this workout a cardio round is alternated with 6 minutes of intervals using the Ugi ball. Ugi is awesome! But if you don’t have one, the exercises can also be done with bodyweight or by substituting another ball or weighted object.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This workout is 20 minutes long but is not as intense and filled with action as many of my workouts. Of course it is still effective! It is geared at targeting your butt and hamstrings, especially with the bridge leg pulses which is a great exercise for shaping that area. There are still burpees and mountain climbers to get your heart rate up and which lead into the other awesome new exercises. This has some classic body and booty shaping exercises. ..and hey, they are classics because they work. Let’s get on this one and shape those legs!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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For this workout we are changing it up and doing lots of box jumps. We have 3 tabata rounds which each alternate between 2 exercises and is mostly focused on upper body. There are pull ups, push ups and burpees partnered with lots of jumping. You will need a sturdy raised surface for this workout. I am using an exercise step with risers so the height can be adjusted and this works great, but a wooden box or bench will work also, just make sure it is strong and sturdy.  This dynamic and fun workout will keep you moving and make the time go fast too!

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posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Equipment

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At times people actively following a weight loss or fitness program will hit a plateau. You work hard. You’ve been watching what you eat, and putting in the time and sweat doing the workouts, and then suddenly the numbers stop moving and you stop seeing changes. This can be frustrating and disheartening. There are many reasons why this can happen and this is one of the main reasons I like to change up the workouts I do, to avoid plateaus. Here I have listed lots of great ideas on why and how to change your fitness and weight loss strategy to keep making progress.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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The Full Ugi is a 15 minute interval workout with 9 exercises all using the Ugi ball. There are some new Ugi exercises, which is always fun and this workout is really focused on abs and core as well as butt and legs, which it really hit more than I realized as I am really feeling it there today! The Ugi makes workouts fun. They are tough but at the same time they have a play quality to them so you tend to forget (sometimes) how tough the exercises are when you are doing them and just get into the challenge.  Ugi is great for working on balance and for working your stabilizing assisting muscles, as well as the main muscles, so you really build core strength with it.  So let’s get to the Full Ugi! || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This new burpee workout is a time challenge and has 5 different types of burpees in it. The last 3 types are ones I am doing for the first time. Fun new burpees that are set around ab crunch exercises done with a medicine ball. You can use a different weight, like a dumbbell, water bottle, or just use body weight if you don’t have a medicine ball. There are some really fun exercises in here and I hope you enjoy the workout.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This workout has 5 rounds. 3 of them are cardio (Full Heart) rounds, and they are a mountain climbers/high knees/jumping jacks combo that should take under 2 minutes for each. These are done around the 2 interval parts which are both made up of different exercises, so you won’t get bored! I like to mix up the exercises. both it’s great for the body to use different muscles and also to keep the brain entertained so it’s busy thinking about what to do next and then the time just flies by and before you know it, another workout done!  I hope you enjoy this one. I thought it flowed along well and was a fun one!  || Read more