Burpees Gone Wild Workout aka 100 Rep Workout #4 est 33 min


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This is the 4th 100 rep burpee workout I’ve posted to date ..and there are a couple workouts with over 100 burpees, but I found this one is the hardest of all so far!  There are some fun and new burpees in this one which are always great to change things up and make the workout exciting. New things to think about also entertain the mind and so you are concentrating on positions and form and the reps go by quickly.. for the most part. 

This is a workout to let your wild burpee side loose and for when you really want to hit it hard!


100+ Burpee Workouts to Date

Aug 12 – Sandbag Burpee Pyramid Party Workout  – 120 Burpees
Aug 13 – 100 Rep Burpee Workout #1
Aug 15 – Burpees with Benefits aka 100 Rep Burpee Workout #2
Aug 16 – Burpee Power Skip Workout – 104 Bupees
Aug 17 – Burpees with a Side of Burpees Please! Workout aka 100 Rep Burpee Workout #3

I was on quite the roll of burpees that week!

Burpee Business is a close contender with 80, and a couple have interesting combinations of burpees, such as: Love Me 3 Times Burpee Workout and Adventures in Burpeeland Workout.

And now the burpee workouts continue with this King of the Jungle Burpee Workout – Burpees Gone Wild!  It feels good to conquer this one!!


Burpees Gone Wild Workout ..aka 100 Rep Burpee Workout #4

Workout Breakdown

Time Challenge

10 Reptile Push Up Burpees
10 5 Plank Jack Burpees
10 Knee Tuck Burpees
10 Double Double Burpees (2 push ups, 2 bwd lunges)
10 Roll Over Crab Toe Touch Burpees
10 Reptile Knee Tuck Burpees
10 3 Point Plank Jump Burpee
10 Frog Jump Burpee
10 Mountain Climber Burpees (10 mtn. climbers)
10 Grasshopper Kick Toe Touch Burpees


Workout on Video


This workout took me 33 minutes and 12 seconds to go through. I had to stop for a quick breather a couple times between rounds of burpees. This was a tough one!! Good luck!
If you make it through, let me know how you did!


Exercise Descriptions

Reptile Push Up Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a reptile push up. That is, as you start to lower to do push up one leg is brought out and up to side, knee bent and held out off the ground while push up is done, as you come up bring leg back to plank. Then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Plank Jack Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center. Each time your feet come back to center is one rep, so do this 5 times and then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Knee Tuck Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 2 knee tucks, one with each knee, then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Double Double Burpees (2 push ups, 2 bwd lunges)


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do 2 push ups, jump legs back in and then do 2 backward lunges, first with one leg and then with the other one.

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Roll Over Crab Toe Touch Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then roll over and into crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Do 2 crab toe touches: lifting one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, then roll over and back into plank position and from here jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Reptile Knee Tuck Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do a reptile knee tuck on one side bending knee and bringing leg out to side with knee towards elbow, then bring leg back to plank and repeat on the other side, then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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3 Point Plank Jump Burpee


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, Then jump both legs together at once up towards chest, bending knees and then out to one side, then back into chest and then back out to the opposite side, then back in again to chest and finally jump legs together back out into plank. Then do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Frog Jump Burpee


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and then from a low squatted position hop as far as you can forward and do another burpee. After this one hop back to start position, do a burpee and continue in this manner doing a frog hop forward and backward between each rep.

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Mountain Climber Burpees


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 10 mountain climbers by bringing one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground, simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth. Each jump counts as one rep. After completing the mountain climbers, being forward leg back to plank, then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.

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Grasshopper Kick Toe Touch Burpee


Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then kick one leg out to opposite side underneath body and as foot comes out reach down with hand on the side closest to it (opposite hand to foot that is kicking) and touch toe as it kicks, bring foot and hand back to plank position and jump legs back in and jump up in the air. Alternate sides for each rep. 

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Have a great workout!

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