360 Degree Sandbag Lunges


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360 Degree Sandbag Lunges – From standing, roll sandbag up and over backs of hands with the 2 lateral handles and hold sandbag in close to chest during all movements. First take a step forward with one leg and do a forward lunge, bending your front knee and going down until thigh is parallel with floor, come back to standing and then take a step with the same leg out to the side do a side lunge, step back in and next step backwards and do a backwards lunge, bending front leg bringing thigh parallel to ground and then step back in. Now follow the movements with the other leg starting with a backwards lunge then doing a side lunge and then a front lunge. Continue doing 3 lunges on each leg and doing lunges in a circle pattern around you for set number of reps or for time. 



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